December 19, 2024

Surah Al Hijr – Ayah 70 & 71

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
اَعُوْذُبِااللّٰہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِيْم
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

*_Today’s Thought for the day is from Surah Al-Hijr Ayat 70 & 71_*

*قَالُـوۡۤا اَوَلَمۡ نَـنۡهَكَ عَنِ الۡعٰلَمِيۡنَ‏.(70)*

*قَالَ هٰٓؤُلَاۤءِ بَنٰتِىۡۤ اِنۡ كُنۡـتُمۡ فٰعِلِيۡنَؕ‏.(71)*

*_They said: Did we not forbid you to offer hospitality to anyone?(70)_*

*_Loot said: Here are my daughters [to marry], if you must. .(71)_*

وہ بولے کیا ہم نے تم کو سارے جہان (کی حمایت وطرفداری) سے منع نہیں کیا.(70)

(انہوں نے) کہا کہ اگر تمہیں کرنا ہی ہے تو یہ میری (قوم کی) لڑکیاں ہیں (ان سے شادی کرلو).(71)

Even after Prophet Lut(AS) tried to awaken them from their perverted nature, it had no effect on them. Rather they started to blame Prophet Lut(AS) for entertaining any man as a guest, as if he is the offender by offering them the temptation.‼️ *Lut(AS) continues with his attempts, pointing out the proper line of desire, i.e. marriage with the other sex.* _It is women who hold natural attraction for men to satisfy their sexual urge, so that procreation continues and human life is preserved._ *Prophet Lut(AS) even offered them his own daughters and the daughters of his community in marriage to them.* He simply reminds the menfolk of the natural way to satisfy their urge. He knew that if they responded to his appeal they would not be adulterous. Hence, his offer sought recourse to their human nature, if only it would respond. But that was unlikely.

*_Act of the Day is:_* to understand that When the society is corrupt, whether they commit crimes or sins, they usually feel that they are right and demand that pious people obey their wishes and oblige.‼️

–To learn from the ways of Prophet Lut(AS), as he tried to persuade the perverted people to shun their immoral practices and adopt
rightful ways in life that has sanction from Allah Subhanahu wa taa’la.
1) *To prevent people from doing what is forbidden,* we must at first open up and show the true path to them so that they do not seek pleasure by committing sins. Prophet Lut(AS) tried to make them realise that *Marriage* is the sole and only correct context for sexual gratification, other methods are unclean and sinful.
2) Prophet Lut(AS) tried to appeal their inner self to know that Homosexuality has been forbidden, considered abominable, and has been rejected in previous scriptures and is incompatible with one’s manliness, development and chastity.

*_May Allah Subhanahu wa taa’la strengthen our Imaan and grant us the ability enjoin the good and forbid the evil. Aa’meen Ya’Rabbul Aa’lameen._*

JazaK Allâhu khair!