October 17, 2024

Surah Al Mumin Ayat 28 Daily Qur’an & Hadith (26 Sep 2024)

English Translation of Al-Quran

[40].Surah Al Mumin (The Believer) also known as Surah Ghafir [The Forgiver]

Ayat 28. And a believing man of Firaun’ s (Pharaoh) family, who hid his faith said: “Would you kill a man because he says: My Lord is Allah, and he has come to you with clear signs (proofs) from your Lord? And if he is a liar, upon him will be (the sin of) his lie; but if he is telling the truth, then some of that (calamity) wherewith he threatens you will befall on you.” Verily, Allah guides not one who is a Musrif (a polytheist, or a murderer who shed blood without a right, or those who commit great sins, oppressor, transgressor), a liar!

Tafseer of Surah Al Mumin (The Believer) Ayat 28. A believer, a man from among the people of Pharaoh, who had concealed his faith, said: “Will ye slay a man because he says, ´My Lord is Allah.- when he has indeed come to you with Clear (Signs) from your Lord? and if he be a liar, on him is (the sin of) his lie: but, if he is telling the Truth, then will fall on you something of the (calamity) of which he warns you: Truly Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies! There is nothing to justify the identification of this man with the man mentioned in 28:20, who warned Moses long before Moses had received his mission. On the contrary, in this passage, the man is evidently speaking after Moses had received his mission, preached to Pharaoh, and got a certain amount of success, for which Pharaoh and his people were trying to seek his life. Moses had evidently already brought his Clear Signs. A commonsense view is put before them by an Egyptian who loves his own people and does not wish them to perish in sin. “Will you kill this man for calling on Allah? Have you not seen his character and behavior? Do you not see the ‘Clear Signs’ about him that bespeak his credentials? Suppose for a moment that he is a liar and pretender: he will suffer for his falsehood, but why should you turn against Allah? But suppose that he is really inspired by Allah to tell you the truth and warn you against evil, what will be your fate when Allah’s Wrath descends? For it must descend if he is a true Messenger sent by Allah.” This is with reference to the “Clear Signs”. ‘They are Signs of Allah’s guidance, for Allah would never guide a man who exceeds the bounds of truth and tells you lies! Such a man is bound to be found out!’.

English Translation of Hadith

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ [SAWW](PBUH) said,  there is none born but is created to his true nature (Islam). It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian (or a Polytheist) or a Magian quite as beasts produce their young with their limbs perfect. Do you see anything deficient in them? Then he quoted the Quran, the nature made by Allah in which He has created men there is no altering of Allah’s creation; that is the right religion”

[Muslim Book 03, Chapter 33, Hadith # 6423].

Lesson: This Hadith brings out the following point: Only Allah has a power to guide any to the true path the right path is Knowledge and understanding of Deen (religion) here stands for the understanding of the Qur’an and Hadith, religious injunctions, and knowledge of the lawful and the unlawful.