February 12, 2025

Aaina Friends Circle Blanket Distribution 2024 – Distribution snaps & video

Alhamdulillah, with the help of Allah Ta’aala and the generous contributions from everyone, we were able to reach 500 homeless people with blankets in Pune City.


Total collection : ₹1,30,000/-

Total expenses : ₹1,30,000/-

Total blankets : 650


Cost of one blanket : ₹200/-

As always we witnessed people without anything to sleep upon, and nothing to cover. People sleeping on plastic sacks, some sleeping on cardboard boxes, some on newspapers, and some on the floor. These are our fellow human beings living in extreme poverty conditions.

May Allah Ta’aala make it easy for everyone, Aamin.

Our entire team is thankful first to Allah (Glorified & Exalted be He) and then to each and every person who was a part of this effort either by contributing, distributing, informing, sharing and most importantly making dua for its proper execution and success. May Allah Ta’aala grant everyone involved with His Mercy and Blessings, and grant the best in this life and beyond compare in the Hereafter. May Allah Ta’aala make this noble cause a reason for us all to enter Jannah, Aamin.

Jazaak Allahu Khairan

Video of blanket distribution : https://youtu.be/DW5wgQP2FaY

Details of donors is given below. May Allah reward them all with the best in the world and Hereafter. Aamin

Snaps of blanket distribution given below