February 15, 2025

Fortune Foundation – Cheeta Camp, Mumbai : Monthly Ration @ Rs 1200/- only

As salaamu alaikum wa rehmatullahe wa barakatuhu brothers and sisters

Hope you are doing well by the grace, mercy and blessings of Allah

Alhamdulillah, Fortune Foundation team have been distributing food rations every month to extremely poor families in the Cheeta Camp area in Mumbai. Help is provided to poor and needy families so they can have proper meals at least as if cash money is given then it gets spent in no time. Most of these families are widows, who have no income or insufficient income, and no help from relatives. They live in rented houses, and can afford to either pay the rents or have proper meals.

It is a humble request that you contribute for this noble cause. You can make a big difference by helping us buy food rations for a needy family. All it takes is Rs.1200/- for a single family. You can sponsor food rations for a single family or many others as per your capacity. No amount is less and you can donate even Rs 100/-

Rations have been distributed for the month of May & June 2024. Ration distribution for July 2024 will need Rs 96,000/- .Please take responsibility of at least 1 family and donate for Rs 1200/- only in a month. The ration is sufficient to eat 2 meals for 30 complete days Ma sha Allah.

The total count of families in need of rations is 80 so the total monthly fund required is Rs 96,000/- (Ninety six thousand Rupees Only) & total yearly fund required is Rs 11,52,000/- (Eleven Lakh and fifty two thousand rupees Only) 


So far we have collected Rs 4,47,094/- and still are in need of Rs 7,04,906/- to provide ration kits to 80 families throughout the year. 

You can Google Pay, Phone Pe or PayTM on Sikandar bhai’s (Abu zar) number 9619711172 (Mention Monthly Ration in details/remarks)

You may transfer your contribution in bank account given below
Name : Fortune Foundation
Bank : Indusind Bank Ltd
Account No: 201001936668
Branch : Dombivali
Branch Code: 000450
IFSC Code: INDB0000450

Note : Once you have transferred the amount, kindly send a mail to Akbar Sakharkar <akbar.ays@gmail.com>, Sikandar Solanki <abuzarsolanki09@gmail.com>, Ahmed Ashfaq <ahmed.ashfaq@gmail.com>,and Asif Dange <asif.dange@gmail.com> for acknowledgement and confirmation.

You can also connect with Sikandar bhai on +91 8879140322 or Akbar sir on 9819936166 for any queries.

Please visit http://fortunefoundation.net.in and check the pictures and videos on the website. Bank details and contact information details is available in Donate and Contact Us options.

Food rations were distributed amongst families since last 8 years on monthly basis. All these families are trying their best to be self sustained. However, due to some reason or the other they are not able to do so. They need assistance with medicine, food, education etc. We concentrate on food rations simply because it is one of the basic necessities of life. Many families are surrounded by such circumstances, that they are not able to have proper meals. It is a huge blessing for them if they are able to have proper meals through the day.

Charity in Islam is more than merely giving money, food and clothing to the needy. It is a great act of worship. When a Muslim gives charity, his or her main intention is to please Allah Ta’aala and seek His reward. A true Muslim would never help the poor so that others can see what a good person he or she is