Alhamdulilah we had received ₹50,000/- from generous contributions from brothers and sisters.
However due to increase in price of carpet we are falling short of ₹8,000/-
Initially the estimate was ₹5000/- for each saff however the actual cost is ₹5800/-
We request brothers and sisters to come forward and donate generously
You can Google Pay the money on 9412874710m@pnb or 9368012274 or can transfer the amount in below bank account
Account name Darul uloom rasheedia
A/c no.1708002100010136
IFSC code PUNB 0170800
Bank name. Punjab national Bank
Account type Current
Once transferred kindly send transaction details on for acknowledgement and confirmation.
For any queries kindly contact Vice Principal ( Mufti Muhammad Aamir) – 9368012274
For complete details about Madrasa Darul Uloom Rasheedia kindly visit
Comparison of old and new saff given below
Snaps of new saff given below