اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
اَعُوْذُبِااللّٰہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِيْم
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
*_Today’s Thought for the day is from Surah Al-Isra Ayah 39_*
*ذٰ لِكَ مِمَّاۤ اَوۡحٰۤى اِلَيۡكَ رَبُّكَ مِنَ الۡحِكۡمَةِ ؕ وَلَا تَجۡعَلۡ مَعَ اللّٰهِ اِلٰهًا اٰخَرَ فَتُلۡقٰى فِىۡ جَهَنَّمَ مَلُوۡمًا مَّدۡحُوۡرًا.(39)*
*_”That is from what your Lord has revealed to you of the wisdom. And do not make (as equal) with Allah another god, lest you should be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and abandoned.”(39)_*
یہ وہ حکمت کی باتیں ہیں جو تیرے رب نے تجھ پر وحی کی ہیں ۔
اور دیکھ! اللہ کے ساتھ کو ئی دوسرا معبود نہ بنا بیٹھ ورنہ تو جہنم میں ڈال دیا جائے گا ملامت زدہ اور ہر بھلائی سے محروم ہو کر.(39)
_Though this ayah has been addressed to the Noble Prophet SAWS, the real addressee is every human being as in the case of many such verses in the Qur’an._
_This is the spiritual and moral duty. We are to worship none but Allah Subhanahu wa taa’la, because none but Allah Azzawajal is worthy of worship.‼️ The act of worship may be collective as well as Individual to reach the spiritual understanding of Allah Azzawajal. Love of Allah Azzawajal embraces the love of man and practical help of our fellow creatures. Allah Azzawajal doesn’t want men to be blameworthy and rejected._
*_Act for the Day is:_* to understand that Tawheed is the core of this religion and as the starting point and final goal of all kinds of affairs of all creatures. All creatures belong to Allah Subhanahu wa taa’la and to HIM all shall return.‼️”Because by committing shirk, it will cause all good deeds and actions (including obeying the laws that Allah ﷻ has set) to go in vain.
_And we shall never ever set up with Allah Azzawajal any other ilâh (god) lest we shall be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected, (from Allah’s Mercy)._
_To be a Regular student of the Qur’an. Learn from the Qur’an every Hikmah (wisdom, good manners and high character), which Allah SWT has revealed to Muhammad (PBUH)._
(Please read S17:A18 and A29 for better understanding of *’Blameworthy’* and *’Rejected’*).
*_May Allah Subhanahu wa Taa’la strengthen our Imaan and save us from falling into shirk and Bidah. Aa’meen Ya’Rabbul Aa’lameen._*
JazaK Allâhu Khair!