October 18, 2024

Surah Ibrahim – Ayah 18

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
اَعُوْذُبِااللّٰہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِيْم
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

*_Today’s Thought for the day is from Surah Ibrahim Ayah 18_*

*مَثَلُ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡا بِرَبِّہِمۡ اَعۡمَالُہُمۡ کَرَمَادِ ۣ اشۡتَدَّتۡ بِہِ الرِّیۡحُ فِیۡ یَوۡمٍ عَاصِفٍ ؕ لَا یَقۡدِرُوۡنَ مِمَّا کَسَبُوۡا عَلٰی شَیۡءٍ ؕ ذٰلِکَ ہُوَ الضَّلٰلُ الۡبَعِیۡدُ(18)*

*_”The example of those who disbelieve in their Lord is that their deeds are like ashes on which the wind blows furiously on a stormy day. They have no control over anything that they have earned. That is the straying far.”(18)_*

جن لوگوں نے اپنے رب سے کفر کیا ہے ان کے اعمال کی مثال اس راکھ کی سی ہے جسے ایک طوفانی دن کی آندھی نے اڑا دیا ہو ۔ وہ اپنے کیے کا کچھ بھی پھل نہ پا سکیں گے ۔یہی پرلے درجے کی گم گشتگی ہے.(18)

_That is, “Those who were perfidious, faithless, and disobedient to the Divine Message, and refused to adopt that Way to which the Messengers invited, will find in the end that all the deeds and earnings of their lives were as worthless as a heap of ashes.‼️._

_Their dazzling culture, their grand civilization, their wonderful kingdoms and states, their magnificent universities, their sciences and their literatures, nay, even their hypocritical worship, and so-called virtuous deeds, their charitable and reformative works of which they were very proud in the worldly lift, shall prove to be as worthless as a heap of ashes, and will be scattered by the *”Storm”* of the *Day of Resurrection.* So much so that there shall not remain a single particle of their works worthy of being placed in the Divine scale on that Day in their favour._

*_Act for the Day is:_* to understand that *Actions in Islam carry value based on their intentions*❗. A small action done for the sake of Allah Azzawajal carries great reward and is huge in the eyes of Allah SWT, for HE SWT looks at the heart that does the action, not the action itself‼. *Action is a mechanical movement, but its motive is what differentiates man from machine❗*. What beautifies and magnifies actions is the *love for Allah* that lies behind them❗. The Noble Prophet (SAWS) has said; Make your heart sincere and a little of action will be sufficient for you.
*_Sincere intention is everything_.*‼ Let’s Work hard to purify our intentions so that our actions carry value. That is actually harder than the action itself

_First of all to be a believer in Lord of the Day of Judgement, by showing our Faith in the revelation. For revelation leads mankind from the depths of darkness into light. It comes to every age and nation in its own Language. So was it before; so it is Always._

*_May Allah Subhanahu wa taa’la grant us the ability perform our deeds with Ikhlas and gain HIS pleasure. Aameen Ya Rabbul Aa’lameen_*

JazaK Allâhu Khair!