December 19, 2024

Surah Saba Ayat 13 Daily Qur’an & Hadith (16 Jan 2024)

English Translation of Al-Quran

[34].Surah Saba [Sheba]

Ayat 13. They worked for Solomon what he desired, (making) Forts, Castles, high rooms, Mosque, images, basins as large as reservoirs, and (cooking) cauldrons fixed (in their places). “Work you, O family of Dawud  (David), with thanks!” But few of My servants are grateful.

Tafseer of Surah Saba’ (Sheba) Ayat 13. They worked for him as he desired, (making) Arches, images, bassoons as large as reservoirs, and (cooking) cauldrons fixed (in their places): “Work ye, sons of David, with thanks! but few of My servants are grateful!” Mihrab (Plural Maharib), translated “arch”, may be applied to any fine, elevated, spacious architectural structure. As the reference here is to the Temple of Solomon PBUH, the word “arches” is I think most appropriate. “Arches” would be structured Ornaments in the Temple. Images would be like the images of oxen and Cherubim mentioned in 2 Chronicles, 4:3 and 3:14; the Basins 2 Chronicles 4:22 were perhaps huge dishes round which many men could sit together and eat, according to ancient Eastern custom, while the cooking Cauldrons or Pots (2 Chronicles, 4:16), were fixed in one place, being so large in capacity that they could not be moved about. The building of the Temple was a great event in Israelite history. The motto given here is “Work!” for only that would justify the maintenance of the Kingdom of David, which reached its zenith under Solomon. Without work, both literally, and figuratively for “righteous deeds”, all that glory and power would be out of place, and it fell away in a few generations, with the decline of the moral spirit which was at its back.

English Translation of Hadith 

Hazrat Iyad bin Himar (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ [SAWW](PBUH) said, “Allah has revealed to me that you should humble yourselves to one another. One should neither hold himself above another nor transgress against another.”

[Muslim Book 40, Chapter 17, Hadith # 6856].

Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Saba Ayat 13. “O family of Dawud (David), with thanks!” But few of My servants are grateful” To treat each other humbly, leniently and lovingly is understood as humility. One, under this principle, is also required not to despise anybody on the basis of wealth, social distinction and lineage. Moreover, one should also not adopt an unkind attitude towards others. Besides, if Allah has bestowed honor on somebody, he is supposed to be grateful to Him, instead of behaving disrespectfully towards people and subjecting them to unkindness and tyranny.