December 19, 2024

Surah Al Hijr – Ayah 90 & 91

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
اَعُوْذُبِااللّٰہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِيْم
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

*_Today’s Thought for the day is from Surah Al-Hijr Ayat 90 & 91_*

*كَمَاۤ اَنۡزَلۡنَا عَلَى الۡمُقۡتَسِمِيۡنَۙ‏.(90)*

*الَّذِيۡنَ جَعَلُوا الۡـقُرۡاٰنَ عِضِيۡنَ.(91)*

*_Like [the punishment] that We sent down upon the discriminators,(90)_*

*_Those who break the Qur’an into different parts.(91)_*

(اور ہم ان کفار پر اسی طرح عذاب نازل کریں گے) جس طرح ان لوگوں پر نازل کیا جنہوں نے تقسیم کردیا.(90)

یعنی قرآن کو (کچھ ماننے اور کچھ نہ ماننے سے) ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کر ڈالا.(91)

The Ayah warns the disbelievers among the Quraysh who kept on opposing the teachings of the Qur’an by calling it with various names such as poetry, magic, folk tales of ancient times, dictated by Muhammad(SAWS), and so on.‼️ The commentators have different opinions about what is meant by the word *“Al-muqtasimin” (the one who divides).* The first opinion interprets Al-muqtasimin as the disbelievers who have sworn that Allah will not raise the dead.
*_They swear by Allah their most solemn oaths that Allah will never raise the dead to life. Yes ˹He will˺! It is a true promise binding on Him, but most people do not know.(16:38)_*
The second opinion is that _”those who divide” the book of Allah SWT, that is, reduce, exchange, and add to the content of the book of Allah SWT that has been revealed to His messengers._
*_Do you believe in part of the Book (Torah) and disbelieve in part?… (Al-Baqarah/2: 85)_*

The third opinion is of those who call the Qur’an with different names such as those of the disbelievers in Quraysh.
*_Then he said, “This (Al-Qur’an) is only magic learned (from the ancients). (Al-Muddatstsir/74: 24)._*

The word *عِضينَ* means to divide into parts, separate parts, fragments, lies, slander. The Jews had made the Torah into pieces” means that they believed in certain parts of it and rejected other parts and detracted some things from it and added others to it. *They had also had split their religion into many parts and caused division in it.* Thus they had been divided into many sectarian groups, which were opposed to one another.

*_Act of the Day is:_* to understand that the sign of a True believer is that he accepts whole of the Qur’an as a command from HIS Lord and enters the religion completely and practices it whole heartedly.‼️ Paying attention to some verses of the Qur’an and ignoring others is an attitude that is scorned by the Allah Azzawajal and hence the warning *_Do you feel safe by this attitude of discrimination?_*

*_May Allah Subhanahu wa taa’la grant us the ability to enter into Islam in toto and save us from HIS anger and punishments. Aa’meen Ya’Rabbul Aa’lameen._*

JazaK Allâhu khair!