July 27, 2024

Surah Ar-Rum Ayat 40 & 41 Daily Qur’an & Hadith (31 August 2023)

English Translation of Al-Quran

[30].Surah Ar-Rum [The Romans]

Ayat 40. Allah is He Who created you, then provided food for you, then will cause you to die, then (again) He will give your life (on the Day of Resurrection). Is there any of your (so called) partners (of Allah) that do anything of that? Glory be to Him! And Exalted be He above all that (evil) they associate (with Him).

Ayat 41. Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon).

Tafseer of Surah Al Rum (The Romans) Ayat 40. It is Allah Who has created you: further, He has provided for your sustenance; then He will cause you to die; and again He will give your life. Are there any of your (false) “Partners” who can do any single one of these things? Glory to Him! and high is He above the partners they attribute (to him)! The person or thing or ideas, to which we give part-worship, while our whole and exclusive worship is due to Allah, are the “Partners” we set up. Do we owe our existence to them? Do they sustain our being? Can they take or give back to us? Certainly not. Then how foolish of us to give them part-worship! Cf. 10:18 and similar passages. 41. Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned that (Allah) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil). Allah’s Creation was pure and good in itself. All the mischief or corruption was introduced by Evil, viz., arrogance, selfishness, etc. As soon as the mischief has come in, Allah’s mercy and goodness step in to stop it. The consequences of Evil must be evil, and this should be shown in such partial punishment as “the hands of men have earned,” so that it may be a warning for the future and an invitation to enter the door of repentance The ultimate object of Allah’s justice and punishment is to reclaim man from Evil, and to restore him to the pristine purity and innocence in which he was created. The Evil introduced by his possession of a limited free will should be eliminated by the education and purification of man’s own will. For, with his will and motives purified, he is capable of much greater heights than a creature not endowed with any free will (Cf. 2:6 and 32:13).

English Translation of Hadith  

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allahimage001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) said,  “Almighty Allah says, `I am the One who is most free from want of partners. He who does a thing for the sake of someone else beside Me, I discard him and his polytheism”.

[Muslim Book 042, Chapter 06, Hadith # 7114]. 

Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al- Ankabut Ayat 17. “Those whom you worship besides Allah have no power to give you provision” He who does a thing for the sake of someone else beside Me” here means to do something virtuous for mere show for worldly benefit, or to gain the reputation of being pious. “I discard him and his polytheism” means that “I nullify his good deeds and deprive him of the reward.” In this Hadith any virtue done for the sake of mere show has been likened to Shirk to make its viciousness and harm obvious. However, this is Ash-Shirk Al-Asghar, and those who commit it will not be forbidden access to Jannah. They will, after the punishment in Hell, ultimately enter Jannah. Whereas, those who are guilty of Ash-Shirk Al-Akbar and sheer Shirk will abide in Hell forever.